Top 3 Most Expensive Headphones In Amazon

4 min readDec 18, 2020

There are literally billions of brands out there struggling to exceed the limits of others regarding sound, construction or comfort. But certainly there are ones that cost way more than the others. So our question is, is it worth spending nearly 3–4 grands on a headphone? For the sake of all of us, we have prepared the list of top 5 most expensive headphones in amazon to let you see If it’s worthwhile to sacrifice the cost of a car for the better audio. Take your seat, lay your head back and let us start with our number one.

Focal Utopia

1. Focal Utopia — World’s First Audiophile Headphones

When Focal Utopia first came out, they didn’t think of the common user. Produced only for the audio-addicts, Focal Utopia is also known as the world’s first Audiophile Headphones. What it means is Focal Utopia is only suitable for the ones that are not broke and what we call ”guru” in the audio world.

The French producers of Focal used Beryllium drive units in construction to get the attention of big players. The striking dynamic drivers provides such natural and precise sound that it allows the user to enter the Utopia he has built in the jam he’s listening to. The sonic stability ensures the well-balanced and crystal clear performance. We’re happy that the French designers didn’t go with the flow and gave everything they got to increase the bass.

Weighing 490 gr with decently cushioned memory pads upgraded with an open design makes up for the longest hours of headphone use one can imagine. The outer design and solid parts of Utopia is fully built with carbon-fiber to create the feeling like it’ll stay rock-solid for decades. The sad part is, if you want to hear the actual performance of Utopia, you shall feed it with an excellent quality of sound signal. Meaning that your smartphone won’t be enough to let you enter the Utopia at it’s finest.

Most people will never understand the real power of this beast given its price, but if you can get your hands on one of them. It won’t be long till you realize that the Focal Utopia is one of the best sounds money can buy. But still, If you’ve made up your mind about this monster, you can check it out here.


2. HIFIMAN1000Se — World’s First Nanometer-Thickness Diaphragm Tech

Among all the planar headphones that combines dynamic drivers and electrostatic headphones, HIFIMAN is the only one that can remove the limitations of a usual dynamic headphones. Remarkable mechanism of Hifiman keeps your mind wondering around once you put them on.

The brilliant control with a pleasing bass response, flawless mid range performance that allows the user to embrace every detail in a note, precisely located depth combined with accurate and steady impact on the high range. In short, HIFIMAN does everything in the greatest way possible.

When it comes to comfort and usage, HIFIMAN excellently constructed a double sided magnet without making the headphones a dumbell hanged on your ears. Altough the outer cup is exceeds the size of a standard dynamic headphone, the producers ensured the feeling of premium by adding the aesthetic wooden touch on the edges. Don’t worry the wooden edges are made out of walnut tree to give you the prestige you’ve always desired with the angled earpads, flexible headpads and most lightweight portability.

While there’s a bunch of things to mention, I only want to draw attention to the visually astounding elegant apparel. HIFIMAN quickly climbed the audio ladders and took its place among the best Headsets out there, but they’re not for those who can’t stretch their wallets to a maximum capacity. Interested much in this devil? You can take a quick glance here.

Audeze LCD-MX4

3. Audeze LCD-MX4 — Brutal Studio Built with Magnesium Support

When first revealed to the market Audeze couldn’t catch the eye of general consumer, it was an orthodynamic headphones specifically designed for studio projects. But the producers were not upset about it as they knew what they designed. Audeze is the most versatile and efficient planar headphones that came into market till now. Excellently combining the LCD-X and LCD-4, the pair is mechanically designed for top producers, sound engineers, DJ’s and Audophiles. Apart from all of that the carbon fiber head band and magnesium housing provides the most elegant overall design without a doubt.

As a DJ or producer you don’t want to feel even the slightest discomfort, and Audeze hits the jackpot for that by resting on your head for longer periods of time without creating any pressure on the top. Comfortably fitting and gripping calipers gently fits to your head, acting like another limb of your body. The best part is you can spend your day at a monitor station for days and weeks with excellently built breathability.

The most unique and natural sound combined with magnetic engineering. Hustling to climb the success ladders in audio industry? We recommend you check out this orthodynamic beast.

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